Toronto Hydro Provides Energy Efficiency Funding for Small Business

Businesses located within the GTA can now receive Canadian business funding grants towards energy efficiency improvements  within their industrial or commercial facilities. Toronto Hydro offers a variety of programs which provide financial incentives and funding grants for small business equipment retrofits and energy management systems. Ontario Business Funding Incentives for Improved Energy Management The following…

CDC Matching Investment Fund – Dairy Business Funding Grants

The Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC) maintains a supportive role in the Canadian Dairy industry by providing funding for small business development projects through their Matching Investment Fund (MIF) program. The Matching Investment Fund provides non-repayable government grants for small business expansion and product development initiatives conducted by eligible Canadian Dairy Producers and Food Technology Centres….

CSCSC Career Focus – Canadian Business Grants for Supply Chain Organizations

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) remain large supporters of employers and organizations that look to create career-related work experiences for post-secondary graduates in their respective fields of study. Members of Canada’s Alliance of Sector Councils have apportioned the Career Focus Program into several different business funding grants for hiring post-secondary graduates with skills…

SDTC Greeentech Grants for Business SD Tech Fund

SDTC Greentech Funding: Do You Qualify for SD Tech Fund Grants?

SD Tech Fund grants support the development and commercialization of innovative green technologies (greentech). Administered by Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC), these Canadian government grants provide businesses with up to 33% of eligible project expenses to a maximum $15 million. Developing green technologies and creating a low-carbon economy is a major component of the federal…

Register for Communitech 101 – Networking Event

Communitech, located in Kitchener, Ontario is one of Ontario’s Network of Excellence (ONE) Research Innovation Centres (RIC). The Ontario Network of Excellence consists of member organizations with commercialization experts that may include: Tech-savvy advisors Experienced entrepreneurs Sector-specific organizations Colleges and university Specifically, Communitech is an association that represents more than 800 technology companies in the…

SIAL/SET Canada – North American Trade Shows for Food Industry Professionals

SIAL Canada and SET Canada are two of the co-located food industry trade shows that are set to take place in Toronto this upcoming spring.  Both events have been able to attract some of the largest names in the Canadian food industry and break numerous records for attendance and participation within the sector. Last year’s…

Small Business Funding Grants: Sustainable Development Technology Canada for Proving Technology

CAMBRIDGE, ONTARIO–(Marketwire – Sept. 12, 2012) : The Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) is a not-for profit organization that supports the development and demonstration of clean technologies. It helps bridge the financial gap in the innovation chain and allows for the development of new products and services to provide solutions to climate change, water quality…

Invest Canada Community Initiatives (ICCI): Attract Foreign Direct Investment

The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) is providing Canadian Government funding to increase employment opportunities within Canadian communities. The Invest Canada Community Initiative (ICCI) provides financial support to Canadian communities that are looking to develop a Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) strategy or a business retention and expansion program. ICCI Ontario Government…

Skills Link – Canadian Government Funding for Community Development

The Federal Government of Canada is sponsoring small businesses looking to hire young Canadians for full-time positions that would help to develop their skills and gain workplace experience through small business grants for hiring. The Skills Link Program is currently accepting applications for funding from small businesses that are offering jobs within a high demand…

Clean Tech R&D Funding for Small Business: NextGen Biofuels Fund

Due to a decrease in emerging technologies there is a great barrier to market entry for many Canadian entrepreneurs, especially innovators that develop sustainable technologies. The NextGen Biofuels Fund program incorporates the same fundamental principles as the SD Tech Fund.  SDTC is a foundation that received billions of dollars from the Government of Canada to…