Spin Master Innovation Fund for Young Entrepreneur’s

Are you a young entrepreneur, aged 18-39 and prepared to take your start-up to the next level? Does your business have national or international expansion potential? Do you have a solid business plan? The Spin Master Innovation Fund is a small business funding grant can assist with your strategic growth plans. Currently going into their…

Networking Business Event: Communitech Annual General Meeting

Communitech, located in Kitchener, Ontario is one of Ontario’s Network of Excellence (ONE) Research Innovation Centres (RIC). The Ontario Network of Excellence consists of member organizations with commercialization experts that may include: Tech-savvy advisors Experienced entrepreneurs Sector-specific organizations Colleges and university Specifically, Communitech is an association that represents more than 800 technology companies in the…

CBaSE Funding for Collaborative Business Research Projects

CBaSE Funding for Collaborative Business Research Projects

The Centre for Business and Social Entrepreneurship (CBaSE) promotes collaboration between University of Guelph students and local businesses through a 4-month market research and/or business plan development project. The goal of the program is to create a transformational learning opportunities for students and provide valuable research and/or business plan construction for small business development. Eligible…

OCE Market Readiness Program – Grant Funding for Innovation

The OCE Market Readiness Program offers preliminary support and funding grants for small business to transfer academic based research into a new market-viable service or technology. Funding is intended to accelerate innovation and help Ontario-based SMEs bring a new product to market or to use the academic research as a basis for a new start-up…

Last Call for Career Focus 2012 Hiring Grants for Business

As mentioned in our previous two-part series detailing the Sectoral Youth Career Focus Program, the deadline for the 2012 round of applications is November 30, 2012. Employers expecting to receive Ontario government funding for small business internships through this program must select an intern and submit their application before the stated deadline. Career Focus Grant…

Small Business Funding Grants Focused on Business Expansion

Small Business Funding Grants Focused on Business Expansion

CAMBRIDGE, ONTARIO – (Marketwire – Nov 14, 2012) The Ministry of Economic Development & Innovation (MEDI) has released two new Ontario government grants & loans programs: (1) the Southwestern Ontario Development Fund and (2) the Eastern Ontario Development Fund. The goal of these funding programs are  to provide financial assistance and incentives to promote regional…

Ontario Genomics Institute – Technology Seeding Program for Life Science Developments

The Ontario Genomics Institute (OGI) offers a Technology Seeding program to accelerate innovation into new, leading edge, life science related products and technologies. The program provides funding for small business ventures that look to expand the Ontario science and technology service platforms for life science research in the fields of genomics and proteomics. Seed Funding…

INNOVATION 2012 – Networking Event for Canada’s R&D Community

INNOVATION 2012 is a professional research and networking event that brings together members from all sectors of the R&D community. The conference provides informative and educational seminars where investors, professors, and industry researchers can learn about the latest industry developments and R&D tax credits and funding incentives. When: December 2 – 4, 2012 Where:  Ottawa…

Ontario Production Services Tax Credit

The Ontario Production Services Tax Credit (OPSTC) is a refundable tax credit for small businesses across the Canadian province of Ontario. OPSTC applies to eligible expenses of domestic or foreign film and television production corporations. Please note that corporations cannot claim this tax credit if the Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit was claimed for the same…

Northern Ontario Development Program: Business Growth and Competitiveness Funding for Small Business

FedNor is a Canadian Government funding organization that offers financing and government grant funding for small businesses in Northern Ontario through programs such as their Northern Ontario Development Program (NODP). FedNor sets high priority for business growth and competitiveness strategies by providing wage subsidies and government funding for small business capital investments and hiring activities….