Gala Bakery Improves Consumer Confidence While Growing their Business

Gala Bakery Improves Consumer Confidence While Growing their Business

Gala Bakery of Hamilton, Ontario has recently taken on a comprehensive traceability project to improve the efficiency of their operations while increasing market access and protecting their brand. The Traceability Foundations Initiative (TFI) is a federal-provincial cost-shared initiative under the Agricultural Flexibility Fund. It was developed to support industry-led information traceability systems. Small Business Grants…

How to Qualify for Ontario business grants through the Youth Accelerator Fund

How to Qualify for Ontario business grants through the Youth Accelerator Fund

The Ontario government recognizes that for youth under 30, starting a new business can be difficult. To help innovative technology arrive in the marketplace more quickly, the Ontario government has launched a new funding program called the Youth Accelerator Fund. This Ontario government grants program is targeted at helping youth under 30 take their innovation…

Business Grants Ontario: The Youth Employment Fund Hiring Program

Business Grants Ontario: The Youth Employment Fund Hiring Program

In its 2013 annual budget the Ontario government announced a two year $295 million Youth Jobs Strategy which is intended to create 30,000 new job opportunities for youth. The Youth Employment Fund is intended to play a significant role in helping the Ontario government deliver upon this promise. Youth Employment Fund Grants for Businesses in…

Ontario Business Loans Available to SMEs in Late-Stage Commercialization Phase

Ontario Business Loans Available to SMEs in Late-Stage Commercialization Phase

The late-stage commercialization stage is both an exciting and stressful time for any company; as final steps are taken to finally bring a new product to market. While your feelings at this point can likely be described as a mix of joy and relief considering you have made it this far and have decided to…

Aerospace Update: Expression of Interest – Mission to Japan, January 2014

Aerospace Update: Expression of Interest – Mission to Japan, January 2014

The Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC) and the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), with support from Industry Canada and the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo, are organizing a mission for Canadian aerospace companies to Japan the week of January 27, 2014. Why is AIAC and DFATD Organizing a Mission to Japan? According…

Canadian Business Grants & Loans Webinar for Established SME’s in R&D and MFG

Canadian Business Grants & Loans Webinar for Established SME’s in R&D and MFG

Funding resources are available for small businesses from both the provincial and federal levels of government. The challenge is how to find and take advantage of what is out there. Bernadeen McLeod Explains How Accessing Government Grants & Loans is Simple Bernadeen McLeod is the President and Founder of Mentor Works Ltd. With considerable expertise…

EDC Webinar: Innovation and the Next Generation of Aerospace 2013

EDC Webinar: Innovation and the Next Generation of Aerospace 2013

Date: Friday November 29, 2013 Time: 1:00p.m. – 2:00p.m. (EST) Cost: Free The Canadian Aerospace Sector and Export Development Canada Of all Canadian industries, the Aerospace sector is on among the most export-intensive, with over 75% of its revenues from export. In 2011, approximately 500 Canadian aerospace companies accumulated $22.4 billion in annual sales. ​In…

LIFT Government Funding Workshop – McMaster Innovation Park, December 5th 2013

LIFT Government Funding Workshop – McMaster Innovation Park, December 5th 2013

Financing for growth and maintaining healthy cash flow is a critical concern for small and medium-sized businesses. Fortunately, whether businesses are in need of working capital, expanding their business, investing in software or hardware implementation or upgrades, or to purchase manufacturing equipment there are small business grants and loans programs to help finance your company’s…

Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP)

Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP)

BCIP is a competitive acquisition program from the Government of Canada, designed to help companies with innovative solutions obtain a first time purchaser of the solution. Key Eligibility Factors for Participation in BCIP In order to qualify to participate in the program, small and medium-sized businesses must meet the following criteria: Must be a Canadian-based…

NOHFC Ontario Business Grants-Applied Research & Technology Development Projects

NOHFC Ontario Business Grants-Applied Research & Technology Development Projects

The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) has new funding programs available to support the development of Northern Ontario’s businesses and economy. For companies involved in research and development efforts, the new Applied Research & Technology Development Projects funding program will be of significant interest. The NOHFC is interested in projects that are within the following…