Fed Strengthens Oat Industry through AAFC’s AgriInnovation Program

Fed Strengthens Oat Industry through AAFC’s AgriInnovation Program

Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz announced an investment of more than $3.7 million to benefit the Prairie Oat Growers Association (POGA) in order to help Oat producers sell a larger proportion of their crop in the global marketplace. POGA Receives Funding via Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) POGA will receive the more than $3 million in…

CBaSE University of Guelph Offers the Hub Incubator Program

CBaSE University of Guelph Offers the Hub Incubator Program

We at Mentor Works have always been big advocates of the University of Guelph (U of G) CBaSE post-secondary collaboration program that connects local businesses with U of G students for collaborative projects. The program has helped many of our clients with projects ranging from market research to developing human resources policies and marketing plans….

Learn about Government Funding at FABTECH Canada Event: March 19th

Learn about Government Funding at FABTECH Canada Event: March 19th

Mentor Works and Six S Partners will be at FABTECH Canada in Toronto on March 19th offering free informational sessions on ERP implementation upgrades and implementations and Canadian business grants and loans available from federal and provincial sources. Canadian Government Grants and Loans for Manufacturers –Event Details Location: Toronto Congress Centre, Room 4, 650 Dixon…

UTEST Accepting applications from University of Toronto Entrepreneurs

UTEST Accepting applications from University of Toronto Entrepreneurs

The University of Toronto Early Stage Technology accelerator program (UTEST), is accepting applications from current students or faculty at U of T with an April 17th, 2014 deadline. The program, in partnership with MaRS Innovation funding, has been among one of the most successful incubator programs for startups in Canada. University of Toronto Early Stage…

RecruitGuelph: How to Hire University of Guelph Grads

RecruitGuelph: How to Hire University of Guelph Grads

This blog was contributed by The University of Guelph. Did you know that the University of Guelph is one of the many Canadian post-secondary institutions using web-based, job posting software to support employers in hiring young talent? It has never been this easy for an employer to connect with students, upcoming graduates and alumni. When…

MaRS Investment Accelerator Fund Offers up to $500K in Equity Investments for New Technology

MaRS Investment Accelerator Fund Offers up to $500K in Equity Investments for New Technology

The Accelerator Fund (IAF) was developed to support world-class innovations in the field of information and communication technology, health care, and cleantech by providing up to $500,000 in Ontario small business funding. IAF Small Business Funding Ontario Invests in Ontario-based Technology Companies Offered through MaRS, the IAF government funding initiative is aimed at helping entrepreneurs bring…

IRAP Canadian Small Business Grants for Technological Innovation

IRAP Canadian Small Business Grants for Technological Innovation

National Research Council Canada (NRC) provides a number of services to growing small to mid-sized businesses across Canada, including providing of financial assistance through NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) to in order to undertake technology innovation.  NRC-IRAP funding is typically released on April 1st of every year, which coincides with the start date of…

SD Tech Fund Program Accepting Applications Until April 16th, 2014

SD Tech Fund Program Accepting Applications Until April 16th, 2014

Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) is a not for profit foundation that helps support clean technology through federal government grants programs. SDTC’s portfolio of Canadian business grants programs includes the SD Tech Fund, an initiative that has allocated over half a billion dollars in funding to over 200 projects nationwide. SD Tech Fund Canada Government Grants…

Is Your Small Business Ready for Real-Time Social Media Marketing?

Is Your Small Business Ready for Real-Time Social Media Marketing?

Real-time marketing (RTM) has forever changed the marketing and public relations landscape; giving brands the opportunity to borrow attention from trending topics of discussion on social media.  Messages like the infamous Oreo tweet during the 2013 super bowl blackout, receive a great deal of attention from the public, and admiration from fellow marketer –not to…