33% of Canadian Owners Resent Having Started their Business

33% of Canadian Owners Resent Having Started their Business

A third of business owners are bothered by government regulations to the point that they insist they would sooner have not gone into business in the first place. This is according to a survey performed by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB), according to the organization’s Executive Vice President, Laura Jones. Canadian Federation of Independent Business…

Access Ontario Co-operative Education Tax Credit

Access Ontario Co-operative Education Tax Credit

The Ontario Ministry of Revenue offers a tax credit to businesses that hire post-secondary graduates to internships of 10 weeks or more. The exact amount of the tax credit varies depending on the salaries and wages paid to each co-operative education student work placement, with corporations able to claim 25 percent of eligible expenditures (30%…

How to Qualify for Growing Forward 2 for Producers Project Implementation

How to Qualify for Growing Forward 2 for Producers Project Implementation

Ontario-based agri-food producers can take advantage of small business government grants for agriculture offered from the Growing Forward 2 (GF2) Ontario program to implement projects that expand and grow their Ontario-based farm or production businesses. Growing Forward 2 Ontario Funding for Project Implementation The Project Implementation stream of Growing Forward 2 Ontario provides funding of…

FAQs: AgriInnovation Industry-led Research and Development

FAQs: AgriInnovation Industry-led Research and Development

The AgriInnovation program, offered through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), has two streams of funding: Industry-led R&D Projects and Enabling Commercialization & Adoption. This article intends to answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the Industry-led Research and Development stream of the Growing Forward 2 Federal Program, AgriInnovation. Who is eligible to apply…

Youth Employment Fund (YEF) Offers Ontario Employers up to $6,800 Wage Subsidy

Youth Employment Fund (YEF) Offers Ontario Employers up to $6,800 Wage Subsidy

As a part of the $295 million Youth Job Strategy, the Ontario government has teamed up with the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities (MTCU) in order to deliver the Youth Employment Fund. The program aims to help youth between 15 and 29 years of age attain employment, with an emphasis on people living in…

Grants for Alberta Small Businesses: TECTERRA Geo-Placement Program

Grants for Alberta Small Businesses: TECTERRA Geo-Placement Program

Editor’s Note: Since this article’s posting, TECTERRA funding programs have been re-launched to provide enhanced support. For details of these new funding streams, visit Mentor Works’ TECTERRA program page. TECTERRA is dedicated to helping Canadian firms attract, retain and develop highly qualified personnel to support the continued success of geomatics technology in Canada.  In Alberta,…

How to Qualify for Investing in Business Growth & Productivity for Not-for-Profits

How to Qualify for Investing in Business Growth & Productivity for Not-for-Profits

The Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev) offers Ontario government funding programs through the Southern Ontario Prosperity Initiatives to organizations that play a role in developing southern Ontario’s economy. One of the key funding programs is called Investing in Business Growth and Productivity. IBGP Government Funding for Not-for-Profits: Company Eligibility Not-for-profits eligible for…

FAQs: Investing in Business Growth and Productivity (IBGP) for NFP’s

FAQs: Investing in Business Growth and Productivity (IBGP) for NFP’s

The IBGP for not for profits program is an Ontario government funding program with two streams – one for SMEs and one for not-for-profits (NFP). What type of funding is available for not-for-profits through IBGP Canadian government grants? Funding for not-for-profits is provided by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) as…

How to Qualify for the Advanced Manufacturing Fund

How to Qualify for the Advanced Manufacturing Fund

In fall 2013, The Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) released new government funding initiatives for Ontario businesses. The Advanced Manufacturing Fund (AMF) was developed to provide financial assistance to businesses in manufacturing that are lagging behind and lacking competitiveness with respect to innovation, information and communications technology (ICT) adoption, productivity and…

Current Trend Reinforces Need to Reward Small Businesses for Export-Led Growth

Current Trend Reinforces Need to Reward Small Businesses for Export-Led Growth

New data has been released by Statistics Canada on August 24th, 2014 through the Survey of Innovation and Business Strategy, 2012.  The survey results describe how Canadian firms measure their performance, whether their success depends on domestic or international markets, and who is rewarded for the company’s achievement. Only 60.2% of Small Businesses Rely on Gross Margin…