How to Qualify for the Connect Canada Internship Program

bigstock-Asian-business-woman-smiling-h-42502204The Connect Canada Internship program is administered by AUTO21, a Canadian not-for-profit. The program looks at increasing collaboration between academic and industry partners to solve industry problems and to increase the amount of R&D that businesses are undertaking in an effort to improve the Canadian economy and to develop more competitive businesses. The Connect Canada Internship program is an excellent opportunity for small businesses to access expertise that would be otherwise out of reach.

Connect Canada Small Business Grants for Hiring in Research and Development

To be eligible for this funding as an industry partner, your business must be Canadian based, for profit and incorporated. It is recommended that industry and academic partners are located relatively near each other as the intern will spend 50% or more time at the company’s location. The short-term internship is carried out over four to six weeks. Qualifying interns are graduate or post-graduate students who are attending or working at a Canadian university.

Connect Canada Internship Program: Eligible Organizations

Projects that are eligible for funding from this Canadian government grants for hiring program can be from any industry. The student can have a background in any type of studies, so long as the research required by the business is applicable to the student’s expertise. The projects must be brief and solvable in the short timeframe of the program. A student can access up to two Connect Canada Internships over their academic career. All internships must take place in Canada.

Connect Canada Internship Program: Funding Details

The grant funding from the Connect Canada Internship is provided to pay the intern. The amount is cost-shared with the industry partner. AUTO21, the program administrator, provides $5000 and the industry partner provides $5000. The funding from the industry partner must be sent to AUTO21 once approval to proceed is received. To learn more about the Connect Canada Internship Program select from one of the following options:


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