Ontario Manufacturing and Ontario Government Grants

Challenges Facing the Ontario Manufacturing Sector

In a recent publication by Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) entitled “Manufacturing Matters in Ontario” the group has identified several issues that hinder growth potential and overall success of manufacturers. As the country’s largest manufacturing province, accounting for 47% of total manufacturing activity in Canada, addressing these issues is essential to having a thriving Ontario…

Canada Media Fund Digital Projects

$6.2M Awarded in Canada Media Fund Experimental Stream

The Canada Media Fund (CMF) recently announced recipients of Experimental Stream funding for their first 2015-2016 intake period. Experimental Stream funding provides repayable grants which aim to fund innovative digital media content and software applications. A total of 28 new media projects will be enabled by the fund. Since 2010, CMF’s Experimental Stream support for…

Build in Canada Innovation Program

Changes to Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP)

Since 2012, the Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP) has allowed businesses and inventors the ability to bolster their innovative technologies by selling and testing them with the Canadian government. This first procurement program enables businesses to overcome pre-commercialization gaps and use the government as their first possible customer and testers of their technology. BCIP…

Small Business Funding

The Canadian Small Business Funding Cycle

The Mentor Works Ltd. team is dedicated to providing you with industry-leading knowledge of Canadian government funding programs. Whether you’re seeking small business funding grants, loans, tax incentives, or other funding vehicles, you can trust that Mentor Works understands the programs and knows how to position your business to secure the highest amount of funding…

OMDC Digital Media Fund

OMDC Interactive Digital Media Fund Deadline: October 5, 2015

Update: Please access this article to learn when to apply for Interactive Digital Media Funding this year. The Ontario Media Development Corporation (OMDC) provides services, programs, and provincial funding initiatives for media producers operating within Ontario. As part of their comprehensive list of funding programs, the Interactive Digital Media (IDM) fund continues to be one of…

Youth Entrepreneurship in Canadian Small Business

Youth Entrepreneurship Rates Increasing: GEM Report

The state of entrepreneurship is changing globally as more youth are taking self-employment options over working for established organizations. The statistics, provided in July’s Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) report, are clear that this trend is significant and shows a shift in the way that youth across the world are approaching the labour market. Youth are…

Ontario government grants for hiring and training youth

Experience Ontario Government Grants for Hiring and Training Youth

In Ontario many youth face pressure when deciding which industry or specific role they would like to begin their careers in. For high school students within Ontario, this decision can be extraordinarily difficult because their previous work experience does little to prepare them for what lies ahead after high school or after post-secondary education. As…

Canadian government funding for business succession planning

FedDev Invests $3.2M for the Development of Ontario Businesses

The Western Ontario Community Futures Development Corporation Association (WOCFDCA) has recently received over $3.2 million in funds from FedDev Ontario. This funding will be matched by Southwestern Ontario Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs), allowing for the establishment of a $6.2 million investment fund for the regional diversification of businesses across southwestern Ontario. These funds will…

Canada-Ontario Job Grant Government Grants for Training

Update: Canada-Ontario Job Grants for Training Expected to Grow by 2017

The popular Canada-Ontario Job Grant has helped over 21,000 Ontario workers receive training, improve their skill sets, and help companies grow their business. The Government of Canada expects over $115M to be allocated to companies through this popular training grant by 2017. Mentor Works has helped hundreds of companies across Canada take advantage of the…

Ontario Government funding wins for London businesses

$1.4M FedDev Ontario Government Funding Awarded to Two London Projects

FedDev Ontario is committed to growing the Ontario economy through a wide range of resources, support services, and government funding for small business, academic, and community projects. In 2013, Ontario accounted for 36.7% of Canada’s GDP, and the provincial government is committed to retain and improve this prominence. As a result, FedDev Ontario has helped…