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Manitoba Budget 2022: Recover Together

Every year, Manitoba releases their annual budget which outlines the state of the economy, the province’s health, and how the province will be investing in their government programs throughout the fiscal year. On April 12, 2022, the province of Manitoba officially tabled their budget titled, “Manitoba Budget 2022, Recover Together – Strengthen. Invest. Build.”

Madam Speaker, we built this Budget to take action on the issues Manitobans care about. The COVID-19 pandemic. Surgical and diagnostic wait times. Inflation, rising gas prices, and interest rate hikes. We know these issues are hard, and we know how much they matter to Manitobans. This budget addresses them. It strengthens, invests, and builds our province. It strengthens our health care system. It invests in making life more affordable. It builds up our economy. And it implements our plan to Recover Together.

Honourable Cameron Friesen Minister of Finance

This blog highlights the key changes to government spending that Manitoba businesses should be aware of. In Manitoba Budget 2022, the government has primarily chosen to focus on strengthening the economy as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic by investing in five priority areas: the economy, communities, the environment, affordability, and health care.

Investing in the Economy with the Manitoba Budget 2022

Manitoba’s provincial government is aiming to invest in a growing economy by focussing on employment opportunities, skills training, and third-party investment opportunities. This pillar also includes plans for improving the transportation, agriculture, infrastructure, and food sectors.


  • $99 million for the support of business risk management programming for agricultural programs such as AgriInsurance, AgriStability, AgriInvest, and Wildlife Damage Compensation. These investments will help farmers and food businesses address sector challenges such as environmental concerns;
  • $220,000 towards government funding support for testing and diagnosing animals for diseases and other risks;
  • $150,000 for the Project Aspire initiative which is designed to improve industry collaboration with academic institutions, as well as garner further investment and strategies for growth in the Manitoba plant and animal protein industry;
  • $70,000 for the Livestock and Crop Communication Initiative which supports a healthier and more sustainable livestock production by improving resource and land management;

Jobs and Third-Party Investment

  • A new Manitoba Skills, Talent and Knowledge Strategy initiative will be implemented to cement Manitoba’s plans for creating a robust and talented workforce to meet new demands and opportunities associated with a growing economy. This investment will help businesses train and hire new staff while ensuring an investment in newcomers and the future workers of the province;
  • $900,000 towards large area planning initiatives to encourage Manitoba investment in resource development and to create more jobs and opportunities;
  • $50 million will be allotted towards a new Venture Capital Fund that will assist in initial investment stages for companies looking to grow;
  • $5 million towards the attraction of new immigrants to Manitoba with the goal of reversing the decline of skilled labour in the province for key industries such as agriculture;
  • $2 million will be invested in the development of new properties within the province of Manitoba to assist in a higher capacity for commercial and residential space.

Investing in the Environment

The government of Manitoba has decided to make environmental investments a key focus of their Manitoba Budget 2022. Investments are centered on innovation in clean technology, supporting green initiatives, and attempting to reduce the impacts of climate change for Manitoban communities.

  • $1.5 million will be invested in the Conservation and Climate Fund which will support green initiatives and key climate priorities amongst organizations, municipalities, and businesses;
  • $1.3 million will be invested annually in the International Institute for Sustainability (IISD) which is part of a five-year program to improve climate research and mitigate the environmental impacts of climate change;
  • $1.5 million will be allotted to the Conservation and Climate Fund which aims to leverage third-party investment and advance Manitoba’s core climate objectives for a cleaner tomorrow;
  • $2.1 million will be invested towards the Efficiency Manitoba Innovation Fund which is designed to invest in Manitoba businesses that are innovating new and efficient technologies and strategies for energy efficiency; and
  • Up to 10 new contracts will be implemented, amounting to up to $50 million in further investment for contaminated site rehabilitation and abandoned mine restoration programs.

Manitoba’s 2022 Budget is Investing in Communities

As a key focus of the 2022 budget, Manitoba is investing in community programs and strategies that aim to move forward with Indigenous reconciliation, improve public education, and provide a stronger infrastructure for pursuits such as arts and heritage.


A new Indigenous Reconciliation Initiatives Fund will be created to advance the progress made in reconciliation with First Nations communities within Manitoba. This fund will provide support for many Indigenous projects for the coming years via Manitoba Budget 2022.

Investing in the Future of Manitoban Children

  • $26 million over two years will be allotted to improving childcare for Manitoban parents, as well as an investment in creating 716 new spaces for childcare centres across the province;
  • $125.4 million towards school operations, which will be divided into tax incentives, COVID-19 related expenditures, and more;
  • $20 million will be invested in the retention and training of early childhood educators to assist in the growing population of children under the age of 12;
  • $67 million via the Early Learning and Child Care Agreement to provide childcare subsidies to Manitoban families that need financial assistance; and
  • Investments to ensure there are 22 new schools created prior to 2027.

Arts, Sports, and Heritage

  • The creation of a new Arts, Culture, and Sport Community Fund will take place to enhance support for these fields. Moreover, an investment of $100 million will be made to assist in this initiative which aims to leverage further support for capital projects in these fields;
  • $240,000 for grants that will be provided to local museums and other heritage-related programs and facilities to improve the presence of heritage within the Manitoban community; and
  • Almost $800,000 will be invested in a variety of public services. Investments will reflect further support for libraries, sustainability initiatives, and improvements to resources and services.

Municipal Partnerships

  • $25 million will be allotted towards the Building Sustainable Communities Program which will help with infrastructure projects, stimulate the economy, and leverage third-party investment in Manitoba;
  • $100 million over three years will be invested in the areas of sports, arts, heritage, and more to assist in improving community engagement; and
  • $13.8 million will be invested in the operating budget for Community Living disABILITY Services which is designed to help those who are new entrants to the program, as well as strengthen the workforce in this field.

Making Life More Affordable for Manitobans

Manitoba Budget 2022 also includes further support that aims to lower general living costs for Manitobans. This includes the following:

  • The Education Property Tax Rebate for residential owners will be increasing to a total of 37.5%, up from 25% last year, to help property owners with their savings which will amount to approximately $350 million in savings for the people of Manitoba in 2022; and
  • A $10 reduction will take place for the vehicle registrations fees for most non-commercial vehicles, amounting to up to $45 million per year in savings for citizens.

Please note that the Affordability section of Manitoba’s 2022 budget has tabled significant tax credits and incentives for Manitobans. To read a comprehensive review of these significant opportunities and how you and your business can leverage them, please read  Ryan Canada’s comprehensive review.

Investing in Manitoba’s Health Care

As the province recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, further investments are being made via the Manitoba Budget 2022 to improve the province’s health care facilities, long-term care systems, mental health services, and more.

Addressing Fallout from COVID-19

  • $630 million towards support for the ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic which will be allotted to the necessary ministries and associations;
  • $4.2 million towards the Cadham Provincial Laboratory (CPL) which is focussed on research and development projects to prevent disease outbreaks as well as outbreak responses;
  • $110 million for addressing the backlog of surgery and diagnostic appointments that have been pushed back due to limited capacities and resources caused by the COVID-19 pandemic; and
  • $4.5 million over two years will be invested in an initiative called the Anesthesia Clinical Assistant Program to help address a significant shortage in this crucial health care capacity.

General Health Care

  • $9 million will be invested for the baseline critical capacity within the Manitoba province to allow for a stronger emergency response. Plans include adding 28 more ICU beds, training staff on new policies and procedures, and implementing revised training programs for nurses;
  • $7.6 million for the Emergency Response Services to assist in funding training and capacity for paramedics and ensuring 24/7 access to emergency services for at least 90% of Manitobans within a 30-minute timeframe; and
  • $7.2 million will be allotted to facilities that can provide safe spaces for seniors and to community-based care systems.

Mental Health

  • $830,000 towards the Rapid Access to Addictions Medicine (RAAM) and Opiate Agonist Treatment (OAT) programs to assist in significant addiction issues;
  • $550,000 will be invested via the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) to assist in mental health strategies and programs within Manitoba;
  • $304,000 towards the Women’s Health Clinic’s Provincial Eating Disorder Prevention and Recovery Program to assist in eating disorder challenges within the province; and
  • $23.7 million will be allotted towards a myriad of mental health and addictions services led by the departments of Mental Health and Community Wellness.

Government Funding Opportunities in Manitoba

Although there are many promising government funding opportunities outlined throughout Manitoba Budget 2022, there are other programs that your business should be aware of. To review a comprehensive list of the top government funding opportunities for businesses in Manitoba, as well as across the rest of Canada, review our government funding directory.

Our team at Mentor Works will continue to review and publish weekly articles on the programs highlighted throughout the budget, as the fiscal year gets underway. To receive news updates on content relevant to your business, sign up for our government funding newsletter.