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Growing Forward 2 Ontario Processors Project Implementation –FAQ’s

The Project Implementation stream of Growing Forward 2 is designed to help Processors who have completed one or more capacity building activities, move forward and solve a risk or issue that was discovered in the Capacity Building Stage. Although it is not mandatory, it is highly recommended to complete a Capacity Building project before applying for the Growing Forward 2 Ontario Project Implementation stream.

In order to qualify for funding do I need to first complete a Growing Forward 2 Capacity Building Project?

To qualify for funding under the Project Implementation stream, you must have completed a GF2 Capacity Building project either through the Growing Forward 2 Ontario program or independently. You will be asked to submit evidence that you have carried out this step.

What Processors are eligible for Project Implementation funding?

Established processors who have a valid Premises Identification number, and are involved in the processing, modification, and/or transformation of agricultural commodities, food, beverage or agricultural based bio products in Ontario, and file farm or business income taxes are eligible for funding.

What type of funding does the Project Implementation stream provide for Processors?

Funding offered through the Growing Forward 2 Project Implementation stream is a grant.

How much funding is available for a Processor?

Project costs will be funded up to 35%, however projects that are considered to be innovative may receive funding for up to 50% of costs. The maximum amount of funding available for a Processor for both Capacity Building and Project Implementation stream projects, over the 5-year term of the program, is $350,000.

Does the Project Implementation stream fund capital expenses?

Yes, the Project Implementation stream does fund capital expenses to a maximum of $100,000. For capital expenses, a Processor must contribute a minimum of 25% of these costs as cash. Capital expenses include: equipment, construction costs for buildings, on-farm and further processing infrastructure and plant upgrades

Can in-kind funding be part of the of the Processor’s contribution?

Yes, in-kind funding can be part of the Processor’s contribution to a maximum of 15% of the project costs.

Are any other expenses eligible for funding?

Expenses that are eligible for funding under the Project Implementation stream include the incremental costs of renting facilities, machinery, equipment, contract labour, communications material, and travel associated directly with the project.

What types of projects are eligible for funding?

Projects must fit with one of the 6 focus areas of the Growing Forward 2 Program:

  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Animal and Plant Health
  • Assurance Systems
  • Market Development
  • Labour Productivity Enhancement
  • Business and Leadership Development

For each of these focus areas there are specific project requirements.

How long can my project take?

Projects are expected to take no more than 2 years to complete. Longer term projects will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Can I have more than one project on the go at the same time?

You can apply for one project per intake period. You can have a maximum of 2 approved projects running concurrently.

How will applications be assessed?

Growing Forward 2 applications will be assessed on merit, not by the date that they are received.

What are the types of project eligible for the focus area: Environment and Climate Change?

In order to qualify under this focus area businesses must meet the following eligibility criterion:

  • Measure and benchmark resource and waste management efficiency (water, energy, materials, waste streams, etc.).
  • Equipment or technology upgrades to improve resource management (increase input efficiency, including utilities, materials and ingredients)
  • Waste stream equipment or technology upgrades to mitigate risks to surface and ground water.

What types of projects are eligible for the focus area: Animal and Plant Health?

In order to qualify under the animal and plant health focus area businesses must meet the following eligibility criterion:

  • Improvements to manage access and traffic onto and within the operation.
  • Vehicle and Equipment cleaning and disinfection to prevent introduction and spread of diseases and pests.
  • Improve drainage and runoff to prevent standing water in operational area (Controlled Access Zone).
  • Improve manure handling and storage to reduce contamination, runoff and wildlife access.
  • Establish designated quarantine/isolation/segregation facilities for sick animals pending ante mortem exam.
  • Improve emergency response capacity.

What types of projects are eligible for the focus area: Assurance Systems?

There are 3 priorities for this Growing Forward 2  focus area and projects under each priority.

1. Food Safety

  • Implement personnel and handling practices and procedures.
  • Implement cleaning and sanitizing practices and procedures.
  • Implement practices and procedures to manage water supply, test and/or treat processing water.
  • Develop and/or implement programs for facility interior and exterior, pest control, and/or preventative maintenance and calibration.
  • Implement recall and traceability practices and procedures.
  • Develop facility level Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points plan(s).
  • Scientific validation to determine effectiveness of practices and control measures to control food safety hazards.

2. Traceability

  • Develop and/or implement enhanced traceability and information sharing system(s).

3. Animal Welfare

  • Improve animal housing/holding areas.
  • Improve surfaces and flooring.
  • Improve animal handling and euthanasia procedures.

What types of projects are eligible under the focus area: Market Development?

In order to qualify under the market development focus area businesses must meet the following eligibility criterion:

  • Meet established standards and requirements to gain access to new markets and expand existing market share.
  • Develop new markets and expand existing market share.
  • Develop value-added products with attributes to satisfy specific market or customer demands.

What types of projects are eligible for the focus area: Labour Productivity Enhancement?

In order to qualify under the labour productivity focus area businesses must meet the following eligibility criterion:

  • Install technology, equipment and software systems, and develop procedures to increase automation and labour productivity.
  • Implement Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) best practices and Supply Chain optimization.

What types of projects are eligible for the focus area: Business and Leadership Development?

In order to qualify under the business and leadership development focus area businesses must meet the following eligibility criterion:

  • Implement business and leadership development activities resulting from completion of a capacity building project.

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