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Outsource Free Business Research Opportunities Through CBaSE

The Co-operators and the University of Guelph have formed a partnership to create the Centre for Business and Social Entrepreneurship (CBaSE). Through this Centre, the University aims to aid the collaboration of University of Guelph students and professors with local businesses.

Typical Research Projects

CBaSE supports a number of projects that can be outsourced to University of Guelph students for an average of 4 months with no financial commitment to the company. The most popular types of research projects conducted are:

  • Market Research
  • Competitive Research
  • Marketing Plans
  • Business Plans
  • Human Resource Policy
  • Sustainable Research and Analysis

University of Guelph Talent

Professors will work directly with small groups of senior undergraduate students in either their third or final year of their program. Students can be chosen from a number of different areas of study, including:

  • Accounting
  • Agricultural Business
  • Hotel and Food Administration
  • Human Resources Management
  • Management Economics in Industry and Finance
  • Marketing Management
  • Public Management
  • Real Estate and Housing
  • Tourism Management

Learn More about the CBaSE Program

How to Apply for CBaSE

If you are interested in applying for the CBaSE program, please visit the CBaSE website for more information. Mentor Works can provide helpful support for this and other hiring funding mechanisms by providing your company with valuable business advice and resources. Please contact us today for more information about how we can help advance your business.