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A Guide to the OCI – Critical Industrial Technologies Initiative 

In the realm of technological advancement and economic growth, Ontario is paving the way with its OCI Critical Industrial Technologies Initiative. This innovative program is designed to foster the integration of cutting-edge technologies across key sectors, promising substantial support and opportunities for businesses in the province. 

Key Sectors and Critical Technology Areas 

The initiative targets four pivotal sectors: Mining, Advanced Manufacturing (non-auto), Agri-Food, and Construction. Within these sectors, the program focuses on the development and implementation of critical technologies such as: 

  • 5G & Advanced Networks; 
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI); 
  • Blockchain; 
  • Robotics; 
  • Cybersecurity; or 
  • Quantum Technologies. 

These technologies represent the forefront of industrial innovation, offering immense potential for enhancing productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness across Ontario’s economic landscape. 

Program Overview 

The OCI initiative comprises several distinct programs tailored to different needs and stages of technological adoption: 

Development and Commercialization Program 

  • Provides up to 50% funding, capped at $200K. 
  • Targeted at SMEs (less than 500 full-time employees) aiming to commercialize project outcomes. 
  • Offers access to specialized Technology Development Sites for integrating, developing, testing, and demonstrating critical technology solutions. 

Sector Adoption Program 

  • Offers up to 33% funding, with a maximum grant of $1M. 
  • Requires a consortium of three partners collaborating on addressing specific challenge statements. 
  • Strict timelines: Expression of Interest (EOI) due within one month, and full applications within two weeks thereafter, Specific challenges are scheduled throughout the year. 

Future Ready Program 

  • Grants up to 50% of costs, with a maximum of $10K. 
  • Designed for SMEs under 500 employees. 
  • Focuses on upskilling and reskilling staff to adopt new critical technologies, including the hiring of external consultants for training purposes. 

Talent Development Internship 

  • Provides up to 50% of funding, up to $20K per intern ($10K per 4-month unit). 
  • Supports SMEs in hiring recent graduates to work on industry-driven projects related to critical technologies. 

Application Process and Timelines 

To learn about program deadlines, contact our team today. We can support you with determining your program eligibility, writing your funding application, and have an 86% success rate.  

Apply for More Capital & Tech Adoption Grants 

The OCI Critical Industrial Technologies Initiative is an opportunity for Ontario’s businesses, offering robust financial support and resources to integrate and capitalize on critical technologies. By aligning with the program’s objectives and leveraging its support mechanisms, SMEs can position themselves at the forefront of technological innovation, driving economic growth and competitiveness across the province. 

As you plan your business strategy, consider how this initiative can serve as a cornerstone in your journey towards technological advancement and market leadership in Ontario. 

If neither of these program criteria fit your current business projects, access our Capital & Tech Adoption funding directory to learn about other funding opportunities.  

Did you know you can stack different grants to achieve a maximum of 75% cost coverage? Download our free guide to learn how you can implement common stacking practices.