How Innovative Business Leaders Identify and Realize Opportunities

How Innovative Business Leaders Identify and Realize Opportunities

I have worked for businesses of varying sizes in numerous industries, and have often found myself wondering how innovators generate breakthrough ideas. For example, how did Kiichiro Toyoda come up with the Toyota Production System? How do innovators discover great new opportunities that others fail to see? How did the greatest innovators in the world…

Canadian Small Business Events and Government Funding Webinars

7 Ontario Business Events in October to Build and Execute New Strategies

Now that summer is officially over, small businesses are returning to maximum productivity. However as Canadian companies race towards the end of the calendar year, it’s important to remember there are significant opportunities to learn and grow your company through professional and industry events. Business owners and executives can make the most of October by…

Clean Technology Grants for Canadian Small Businesses

An Increasingly Convenient Truth: Climate Change’s Business Potential

In 2016, Canada’s Liberal Party placed a tremendous focus on environmental and economic issues. This is clearly evidenced in their Real Change program, which contrasts the strategic differences between them and the previously elected Conservative Party. Publications on Canada’s clean technology (cleantech) sector note that Canada lost between 41-71% of its market share globally since…

Canadian Government Grants for Hiring and Training Millennial Workers

How to Get the Most Value from Your Millennial Employees

Millennials have recently become the largest generation in Canada’s workforce. With Millennial representation growing from 17.8% in 2004 to 36.8% in 2014, chances are your organization employs several members of this demographic. However, most organizations, unless led by a Millennial, are unaware of the ways to get the most out of their Millennial employees. This…

How to Inspire Team Members in Business

How to Inspire Your Team: Communicate the ‘Why’ Behind Action

For almost 10 years I’ve held management roles in both for-profit and non-profit organizations. As a young manager, I thought that in order to motivate others, I first needed to show them how to achieve desired results. This was a grave mistake, as it was only part of the picture. I rarely shared why I…

Key Performance Indicators KPIs and Strategy Development

A 5-Point Framework for Great Small Business Performance Metrics

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following article are those of the guest author and do not necessarily represent or reflect Mentor Works Ltd. One of the many challenges of managing a small business is dealing with the complexities of growth. There are more clients, more employees, more problems, and more decisions to…

Lightweight Vehicle Manufacturing Grants Canada

How Lightweight Vehicles Are Transforming the Automotive Industry

New vehicle innovations are reshaping the automotive industry at a more rapid pace than ever before.  Global manufacturers are developing new products and processes at an accelerated rate, which is helping the automotive industry to become more efficient and technologically advanced. One of the major trends leading this revolution is the lightening of vehicles throughout…

Diversity in the Workplace Diversification

What ‘The Lord of the Rings’ Taught Me about Diversity

The Lord of the Rings is a massive fantasy work of 481,000 words, with dozens of characters, themes, and messages intertwined. The novel is split into 3 volumes, each with 2 parts (6 total). I have always loved this book, and its multitude of themes and characters can be applied to the business world. I…

Greatness is Learned: Understanding How to Become the World’s #1

Greatness is Learned: Understanding How to Become the World’s #1

One of my favourite pastimes is playing golf. Every chance I get, I take the opportunity to get outside and play a round. Not only do I love playing it, I also enjoy watching and staying up to date with the PGA Tour players. Golf is a mentally and physically demanding game; to become a…

Benefits of Training Sales Employees

Train Your Sales Team to Understand and Communicate Value

I often discuss growth strategies with some of the most brilliant business leaders in Canada. Their minds are full of innovative concepts and technologies that are set to transform the world we live and work in. I’m honoured to work alongside these talented professionals as they seek investment for strategic growth projects. But while these…