The Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC) is the largest manufacturing consortium in Canada. They hold thousands of events each year that, dedicated to helping their members grow and compete in global markets. These events are intended to encourage the sharing of expertise, knowledge, and resources to allow their members to keep up-to-date with current trends and innovations in the manufacturing industry. EMC will be holding conferences throughout Southern Ontario over the next month for their members in the manufacturing industry.
SME Owners Meeting – Mississauga
When: Tuesday, January-10-2012 – Where: 1799 Argentia Rd., Mississauga, ON
This is a strategic interest group (SIG) meeting for those who own/operate a SME and would like to discuss some of the issues and solutions that they have discovered. Some of the potential topics that may be discussed include: succession planning, legal actions/issues, and finance planning. This meeting will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. Please email for more information.
EMC Networking Event (Manufacturers Only) – K-W/ Cambridge
When: Wednesday, January-11-2012 – Where: Trillium Metal , Kitchener, ON
The topic of this event will primarily be centred on health and safety equipment regarding and the use of ergonomic tools. Other possible topics to be discussed include improvements to customer service and engineering solutions. This event is designated for professionals in the manufacturing industry. Registration is required for those who wish to attend this event. If you would like more information or registration details for the event, please email Laura Gibson ( or visit the EMC website.
Senior Management Focus Event – Burlington/Oakville/Milton
When: Thursday, January-12-2012 – Where: TBD
This will be a SIG event that is directed towards those who are in senior management positions and would like to learn or share their ideas with other members regarding leadership and strategic decision making possibilities. The event will be held in the same area every month and promises to provide a great opportunity for attendees to share and benchmark their companies with one-another. Registration is required for this event. For those who are interested in more registration details or information on the event, please email or visit the EMC website.
EMC Networking Event – Hamilton/ Niagara
When: Thursday, January-19-2012 – Where : TBD
This event is intended as a strategic interest group (SIG) meeting. The conference will provide a opportunity for attendees to network and share expertise with other members who are a part of the manufacturing industry. For information please email Laura Gibson ( or visit the EMC website.