Canadian Government Funding Event for Manufacturers on March 20th
Why you should attend this Government Funding for Business Workshop: Here’s your chance to learn about Canadian government funding opportunities for manufacturers, how to access them, terms and conditions associated with the programs, and how to position yourself to obtain the various government funding for business. You’ll also hear from a former manufacturing executive, who currently works with EMC. He will share how he utilized funding along with EMC’s programs and services, to equip his organization with the tools to accelerate growth and earnings, through targeted collaboration and funding partnerships. Keynote Presentations: Canadian Government Funding for Business– How to Locate Programs and How to Use ThemBernadeen McLeod, President and Owner of Mentor Works Ltd., will discuss how Canadian government funding for business programs help small and mid-sized businesses tackle the barriers of financing in order to prosper and achieve growth. Whether it is to serve the need of working capital, expanding into new markets, software or hardware investment or to purchase other manufacturing equipment, there are new creative ways to approach financing to solve your innovation challenge. Bernadeen understands trends in financing and has compiled the best organizational tools and resources for researching government funding options to serve Manufacturing organizations. Mentor Works also supports the identification, application support and writing of different types of government funding programs both Fed and Provincial funds. Their business is about how to find the optimal program(s) to suit your innovation challenges and how to harness the opportunities of the TOP 50 Canadian government funding programs to contribute to smart cash flow planning. Mentor Works group explains how the funding mechanisms work, the on-line application process, various eligibility factors, and more….but most importantly, keep it simple. By writing literally hundreds of programs, our claim to fame is an average success rate of +95%. How Collaboration Can Help You Grow Sales & Increase Profits in Lean Times Dave Jarrett will share how he has used collaboration and funding programs as a means to accelerate performance improvement, and achieve dramatic results in small and mid-sized manufacturing businesses, who typically struggle with resourcing improvement initiatives. Dave will also discuss the tools and techniques that he has used to reduce costs, accelerate growth and create innovative products and will share his 5 step rapid improvement process, which he developed over his 20 year lean manufacturing career.
Bernadeen McLeod, Mentor Works         Bernadeen is a Canadian government funding expert. She helps small-medium-sized businesses secure grant funding and low interest loans and takes the mystery out of the application process involved. |
 Dave Jarrett, EMC
 Dave works with the Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC), facilitating the York Region Consortium, and is Chair of EMC’s CEO and Key Executive ENGAGE Forums. Dave has over 20 years of senior operations, sales and marketing management experience, and currently works with EMC members helping them to accelerate productivity, sales and earnings.
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