Québec Funding Directory

Québec Canadian Government Grant, Loan, and Funding Programs Mentor Works Can Write for Your Business.

Québec government funding programs can support a wide range of strategic projects, including business expansion, research and development, hiring and training, and capital investment.

Many of these programs are administered by the Canada Economic Development for the Regions of Quebec (CEDQ). By being proactive and applying for funding prior to the start of projects, companies can access government grants and loans that provide a boost to company investments and greatly improve project outcomes.

The Québec business grants and loans listed on this page may offer support for your organization’s upcoming projects. To discuss your eligibility and receive assistance with the application process, please contact Mentor Works.

Use the filtering options below to help sort the available Canadian government funding programs.

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Funding Programs Region Funding Activity Description Learn More Show on Site? Tags
Accessible Technology Program (ATP) Canada-wide Research & Development
  • Supports the development and testing of assistive technologies
  • Up to $4M per project/year in non-repayable grants
Yes software, non profit,
African Swine Flu: Welfare Slaughter and Disposal Stream Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • The Welfare Slaughter and Disposal Stream funds regional preparation for welfare slaughter and disposal.
  • 85% of total eligible costs, up to $1M over 3 years for eligible applicants (60% of costs for government applicants).
Yes agri, food
AgriAssurance: SME Stream Canada-wide Business Expansion
  • Supports businesses to meet certification standards in the agricultural and agri-food sector
  • Up to 50% to a maximum $50,000 in non-repayable government funding
Yes food, manufacturing, agri,
Agricultural Clean Technology Program (ACT) Canada-wide Research & Development
  • Supports research, development and adoption of clean technologies through investments and promotion of agri-based bioproducts
  • Access up to 50-75% of costs to a maximum $5M project
Yes food, manufacturing, agri,
Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage – Local Festivals Program Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Supports local groups for recurring festivals that present the work of local artists, artisans, or heritage performers.
  • Access up to 100% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $200,000.
Yes municipality, non profit,
Canada Community Revitalization Fund (CCRF) Canada-wide Business Expansion
  • The Canada Community Revitalization Fund (CCRF) is designed to support communities that have been hit hard by the pandemic.
  • CCRF will be delegating up to a maximum of $750,000 - $1 million in government funding to cover up to 75% of total expenses for a project
Yes municipality, non profit, covid
Canada Cultural Spaces Fund (CCSF) Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Support for projects that improve the physical condition of arts and heritage collaboration, creation, presentation, and exhibition spaces
  • Up to 50% to $500k-$15M depending on the project type. Up to 75% for rural and underserved communities
Yes municipality,
Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Designed to support small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that need to make digital adoptions in their businesses to be able to remain competitive in this new digital age.
  • Up to 90% of eligilbe costs up to $15,000 grant
Yes software, tech, media
Canada Growth Fund Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Will help Canada secure the significant private capital it needs to accelerate the deployment of technologies needed to reduce carbon emissions and grow its economy.
  • Funding amounts soon to be released.
Yes software, tech, media, cleantech, manufacturing,
Canada Job Grant (CJG) Canada-wide Hiring & Training
  • Designed to reduce the costs of providing third-party skills training to new and existing employees
  • Up to 50-100% of eligible costs covered in most provinces
Yes exporting, food, software, manufacturing, auto, northern ontario, cleantech
Canada Media Fund: Experimental Stream Canada-wide Business Expansion Capital & Tech Adoption Research & Development
  • Supports developing, producing, and promoting innovative, interactive software development projects including apps and video games
  • Up to $15k-$1.5M per project phase in grants
Yes software, cleantech,
Canada Small Business Financing Program (CSBFP) Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Supports business growth through business loans with competitive interest rates
  • Up to $1M for business expansion activities
Yes exporting, food, software, manufacturing, auto,
Canada Summer Jobs Canada-wide Hiring & Training
  • Support for employers providing supervised career-related work experience for youth employees
  • Up to 50% of employee minimum hourly rate; Non-profits can receive grants up to 100% of minimum wage plus Mandatory Employment Related Costs (MERCs); Amount is capped at a max $300K per employer/province or territory. Maximum 40 hours/week/employee can be included.
Yes exporting, food, software, manufacturing, auto, northern ontario, cleantech
Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program Canada-wide Business Expansion
  • offers a process through which the Government of Canada assumes financial risk, responsibility, and provides compensation for damage or losses to objects and appurtenances in eligible travelling exhibitions.
  • Receive up to $700K in Indemnification Coverage.
Yes municipality
Canadian Agri-Food Automation and Intelligence Network (CAAIN) – Smart Farms Program Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Provides help for convergence of agriculture, equipment manufacturing and technology into real-world application.
  • Up to 40% of the total eligible supported expenses.
Yes food, agri,
Canadian Food Innovation Network (CFIN) Canada-wide Research & Development
  • The Canadian Food Innovation Network’s (CFIN) program is designed to support smart product and process development, food ecosystem sustainability, and agile and safe supply chains.
  • Up to 50% of eligible expenses or up to $2M in cost matching funds per application.
Yes agri, food
Canadian International Innovation Program (CIIP) Canada-wide Research & Development
  • Supports municipalities demonstrating an innovative solution or approach to environmental issues
  • Up to $175,000 to cover up to 80% of eligible costs for all three study streams
Yes non profit,
CanExport SMEs Canada-wide Business Expansion
  • Supports global expansion projects including participation in trade shows and government-led trade missions
  • Up to 50% to a max $50,000 in grants
Yes exporting, food, software, manufacturing, auto, northern ontario, cleantech,
CFIN - Unpuzzling: Greening Your Food Manufacturing Operation Canada-wide Research & Development
  • This program provides rapid support to food or beverage manufacturers who want to engage third-party support to analyze the sustainability of their operations.
  • Access 70% non-repayable funding up to a max of $25K.
Yes food, manufacturing, sustainability
CFIN FoodTech Next Program Canada-wide Research & Development
  • Supports early-stage Canadian technology firms who seek to be part of or sell to the wider food industry.
  • Covers up to 50% costs to a max of $250,000 costs.
Yes food
Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Supports project proposals that contribute to a variety or clean energy projects for rural and remote Canadian communities.
  • This program has no maximum funding amount.
Yes municipality, energy, cleantech
Clean Fuels Awareness (CFA) Program Canada-wide Research & Development
  • Funds innovative projects that address knowledge gaps among Canadians on clean fuel technologies.
  • Receive up to $300,000 in Grant Funding.
Yes municipality, energy, cleantech
Commemorate Canada Program Canada-wide Business Expansion
  • Provides support for initiatives that commemorate and/or celebrate historical figures, places, events, and accomplishments of national significance through funding.
  • Receive up to 100% of costs or up to $10K in grants.
Yes municipality, covid
Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program Canada-wide Hiring & Training
  • Helps Canadian communities confront discrimination by funding new opportunities, discussions, and research to bring together Canada’s diverse cultures and religions.
  • Up to $1 million in government funding.
Yes municipality
Creative Export Canada (CEC) (Main Program Page) Canada-wide Business Expansion
  • Supports commercialization of technology and/or productivity improvements of businesses
  • Access up to 50% of costs to a maximum $500,000 per collaboration
Yes tech, arts
Creative Export Canada – Export Development Stream Canada-wide Business Expansion
  • Offers funding for new and early-stage exporters to build capacity and expand into international markets.
  • Up to 75% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $90,000 per fiscal year.
Yes tech, arts
Creative Export Canada – Export Ready Stream Canada-wide Business Expansion
  • Offers funding for projects that generate export revenues and help Canadian Creative Industries reach more people around the world.
  • Access up to 75% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $2.5M in government contribution.
Yes tech, arts
Critical Minerals Infrastructure Fund Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • The Critical Minerals Infrastructure Fund (CMIF) will support projects that will enable the acceleration of Canada’s critical minerals production and reinforce associated supply chains.
  • Up to $50M in Critical Minerals funding.
Yes cleantech, minerals,
Critical Minerals Sustainability and Circularity Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • This program offers funding in partnership with Canada and the United Kingdom to aid R&D projects for critical minerals technologies.
  • Up to 50% reimbursement for eligible Canadian SMEs to a maximum of $500,000 over 12-24 months.
Yes minerals, research,
DELIA – NCFDC Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption Business Expansion Hiring & Training Research & Development
  • Is a microloan fund for all Canadian Women entrepreneurs in need of funding support for start up, stabilizations and expansion.
  • Up to $15,000 in low-interest loan support
Yes food, forest, manufacturing, energy, tech, software, agri
DIGITAL – Horizon AI’s Technology Commercialization Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • The Horizon AI’s Technology Commercialization will co-invest in the early stages of commercialization and adoption of 10-15 projects
  • Up to 50% of costs to a maximum of $5M in Canadian government funding
Yes agi, software, auto, cleantech,
DIGITAL – Technology Leadership Program (Cycle 6) Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • DIGITAL has a Call for Proposals open for Technology Leadership (Cycle 6) to co-invest in 10-15 projects
  • Up to $7M in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Funding.
Yes agi, software, auto, cleantech,
Digital Supercluster Capacity Building Program Canada-wide Hiring & Training
  • Supports Canadian businesses by co-investing in projects that help Canadians develop the skills, leadership and opportunities needed to grow innovative digital enterprises.
  • Funding amounts vary from project to project.
Yes tech, software
Digital Supercluster Technology Leadership Funding Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Supports Canadian companies that will create new technology products, platforms and services, and scale-up through customer adoption and new commercial opportunities.
  • Funding amounts vary from project.
Yes tech, software
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration (EVID) Program Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Supports demonstrations of next-generation and innovative electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure
  • Up to 50% of eligible project expenses and offers $250k – $3M in funding
Yes automotive,
Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Supports new construction, renovation, and/or retrofit activities for facilities or programs that help those with disabilities
  • Receive up to $3M in Canadian government grant funding towards eligible projects
GIFMP’s Energy Efficiency Solutions (EES) Stream Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Helps businesses implement energy efficiency and energy management strategies that optimize energy efficiency, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions, and competitiveness.
  • Up to 100% of total eligible implementation costs to a max. of $20M for provincial-territorial and other governments.
Yes cleantech, municipality, energy
GIFMP’s Industrial Facility track (IFT) Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Assists industrial facilities implement energy efficiency and energy management solutions.
  • Access up to 50% to a maximum of $10 million; the minimum funding contribution is $40,000.
Yes cleantech, municipality, energy
Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Supports green and accessible retrofits, repairs or upgrades of existing public community buildings, and the construction of new publicly-accessible community buildings.
  • Receive up to $50% of costs for $10 million or more projects
Yes municipality,
Green Freight Program (GFP) - Stream 2 Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • This program provides funding towards fuels switching, engine repowers, and purchase of low-carbon alternative fuel.
  • Up to $5M for fleet retrofits.
Yes auto, cleantech,
Green Freight Program (GFP): Stream 1 – Assess and Retrofit Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Supports Third-Party Fleet Energy Assessments and Truck/Trailer Equipment Retrofits.
  • Receive up to $50% of costs to $250,000 in grants
Yes automotive
Green Municipal Fund Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Supports municipalities demonstrating an innovative solution or approach to environmental issues
  • Up to $175,000 to cover up to 80% of eligible costs for all three study streams
Yes agri, northern ontario, municipality, non profit,
Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) – National Research Council (NRC) Canada-wide Research & Development
  • Designed to accelerate the research and development projects of Canadian innovators
  • Access up to 60-80% of costs to a maximum $10M per application
Yes software,
Innovation for Defence and Security Program (IDEaS) Canada-wide Research & Development
  • Supports pre-commercial military and defence technologies that have the potential to address current challenges faced by Canada’s Armed Forces
  • Access up to $1.2M for initial R&D. Fully-developed solutions may access up to $20M through a procurement program
Innovative Solutions Canada (ISC) Canada-wide Research & Development
  • Helps startups and small businesses overcome technology development hurdles so that they can produce globally-demanded products and services
  • Up to $150k for proof of concept projects, and up to $1M for prototype development, and may also be awarded a government contract
Yes media, software, cleantech,
Investments in Forest Industry Transformation (IFIT) Program Canada-wide Research & Development
  • Supporting clean technologies in the forest industry during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Applicants can receive 50% of eligible costs up to $20M for the general stream of the program, $1M for the small business stream, and $500K for the studies project stream
Yes covid, forest, cleantech,
Low Carbon Economy Fund Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Projects in this program aim to reduce Canada’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, generate clean growth, build resilient communities, and create good jobs for Canadians.
  • Up to $1M to $25M in funding.
Yes cleantech,
Matching Investment Fund (MIF) Canada-wide Research & Development
  • Supports Canadian dairy companies with funding to assist in the development of product initiatives that help grow the business for milk and dairy ingredients.
  • Up to $150K in fund matching.
Yes food, agri,
Mitacs Canada-wide Hiring & Training Research & Development
  • Support businesses, nonprofits, municipalities, and hospitals by providing funding and connecting them with highly trained researchers.
  • Funding varies by program.
Yes research, university, collaborative
Mitacs Accelerate Canada-wide Hiring & Training Research & Development
  • Pairs businesses with Masters, PhD and PDF interns to overcome innovation challenges
  • Matching funds from Mitacs up to $7,500 per 4-6 month internship unit
Yes cleantech,
Mitacs Elevate Canada-wide Research & Development
  • Supports industry and academic parterships to solve current issues through innovative means
  • Receive up to $30,000 from Mitacs
Yes university, college, collaboarative, cleantech, agri,
Museums Assistance Program (MAP) Canada-wide Research & Development Business Expansion Hiring & Training
  • Offers support to workers, collections, skills, and more for museums, heritage institutions, and Indigenous communities.
  • Receive up to 70% of 400K in funding support.
Yes municipality
NGen Advanced Manufacturing Projects Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Designed to accelerate commercialization and scale-up in the Canadian manufacturing sector.
  • Funding will vary by applicant.
Yes manufacturing, manufacturers, tech, software
NGen AI For Manufacturing Challenge Canada-wide Research & Development Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Supports projects that build advanced manufacturing capacity in Canada and enhance the commercialization of AI and machine learning innovations.
  • Receive up to 35% of $8M in funding support.
Yes manufacturing, manufacturers, tech, software
NGen Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Value Chain Program Canada-wide Research & Development Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Focuses on manufacturing scale-up along the ZEV value-chain, specifically on BEVs, FCEVs, and their components.
  • Receive up to $2.96M, you can receive non-repayable funding for 37% of your eligible project expenses.
Yes manufacturing, manufacturers, tech, software
NGen Manufacturing Program Canada-wide Research & Development
  • Supporting technology development that will help Canadian manufacturers compete globally
  • Grants up to 44.4% of eligible expenses with no limit on project size
Yes manufacturing, manufacturers, municipality, non profit,
NGen Workforce Transformation Program Canada-wide Hiring & Training
  • The Workforce Transformation program provides leadership teams with an affordable and high-value opportunity to participate together in learning and assessment workshops to develop strategic plans.
  • Up to 80% reimbursement for upskilling and training costs.
Yes training, hiring,
NSERC Alliance Canada-wide Research & Development
  • Supporting collaborative R&D projects between Canadian businesses and universities
  • Up to $1,000,000 in grant funding per year
Yes university, college, collaboarative,
Palette Skills – Upskill Canada Program Canada-wide Hiring & Training
  • Will support and fund partners in developing short-cycle programs (4 to 16 weeks) that combine specialized technical training, general business training, and interpersonal skills development across key economic sectors.
  • Up to 70% of the total eligible costs.
Yes hiring, training
Plant-Based Protein AI Project Funding Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Aims to meet the need for new tools and technologies that utilize AI to help grow Canada’s plant based food, feed and ingredients ecosystem.
  • Funding Support for Plant-Based Protein AI Projects.
Yes agri, tech, cleantech food, food
Plant-Based Protein Innovation Capacity Building Funding Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Supports Canadian plant-based forward-thinking companies and organizations to develop projects that will transform our industry and help realize Canada’s agri-food potential.
  • Access up to $50% of project costs in funding support.
Yes agri, tech, cleantech food, food
Poultry and Egg On-Farm Investment Program (PEFIP) Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Helps supply-managed poultry and egg producers adapt to market changes
  • Covers 70-85% of eligible costs in grant funding
Yes agri, tech, cleantech food
Protein Industries Canada Canada-wide Research & Development
  • Supporting collaborative product or process research, technology development, and export market development projects related to expanding Canada’s plant-based protein sector
  • Offsets up to 50% of eligible project expenses with no defined maximum contribution. Remaining project funds must be supported by at least two project partners
Yes university, college, collaboarative, health, research, food, agri,
Quantum Leap Funding Program Canada-wide Research & Development
  • Helps SMEs and Canadian universities with funding to work on innovative pharmaceutical research projects.
  • Receive up to 50-66% of costs to a maximum $1.2 million per eligible project.
Yes university, college, collaboarative, health, research,
Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program (REDIP) Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Supporting rural economic development projects for capacity building, economic diversification, and more.
  • Funding varies by stream up to 80% of costs to a maximum of $1 million in funding contributions.
Yes collaboarative, health, research, food, agri, automotive, manufacturing
SCAP – Agri-Tech Innovation Initiative Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • This initiative aims to support farmers and food processors invest in innovative technologies and capital to increase production levels.
  • Up to 50% to a maximum of $100,000 for innovation technology and equipment projects.
Yes agri, tech,
SCAP - AgriDiversity Canada-wide Hiring & Training
  • Designed to help organizations with projects that build agricultural leadership and entrepreneurial capacity among under-represented groups.
  • Access up to 70% of eligible project expenses which may amount to a maximum $200k
Yes agri, hiring
SCAP - AgriInnovate Canada-wide Research & Development
  • Supports businesses to commercialize and/or adopt innovative agri-based products, technologies, processes or services
  • Access up to 50% of project expenses to a maximum of $10 million per application
Yes food, agri,
SCAP – AgriMarketing Canada-wide Business Expansion Capital & Tech Adoption Research & Development
  • Program will support national agricultural sectors to increase and diversify exports.
  • Up to 50% of eligible costs to a max. of $10M over 5 yrs (max. $2M/yr) in non-repayable funding.
Yes agri, tech, food
SCAP – AgriScience Program Canada-wide Research & Development
  • Helps agri-food sector accelerate innovation through pre-commercial science activities and research.
  • Up to $5 million can be awarded to this program for a non-repayable portion of the project’s eligible costs.
Yes agri, tech, food
SCAP (Main Program Page) - Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership Canada-wide Business Expansion Capital & Tech Adoption Research & Development Hiring & Training
  • Designed to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation, and resilience of the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products industriesin Canada.
  • Funding varies by program.
Yes agri, tech, food, cleantech, research, northern ontario, manufacturing,
Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Canada-wide Research & Development
  • One of the largest tax incentive programs available to a wide range of Canadian businesses
  • Access up to 69% of labour and overhead costs, 36% of contractor costs, and 45% of material costs
Yes research, university, manufacturing, media, agri, collaborative, northern ontario, cleantech, software, cleantech, municipality, non profit, tech, auto
SD Tech Fund Canada-wide Research & Development
  • Supports cleantech projects that aim to improve water, soil and air quality to reduce the effects of climate change
  • Access up to 40% of project costs for an average funding contribution of $3,000,000
Yes agi, software, cleantech,
Social Enterprises – Investment Readiness Program Canada-wide Business Expansion Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Is designed to assist social purpose organizations in their efforts to sell goods or services for revenue while achieving positive social, cultural, or environmental results.
  • Up to $75,000 in Loan Funding Support.
Yes non profit
Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption Research & Development
  • Supports projects that drive sustained productivity and economic benefits
  • Submit a project budget of at least $20M and access up to 50% of eligible costs
Yes software, cleantech, municipality, non profit,
Supply Chains and Logistics Excellence AI (SCALE.AI) Canada-wide Research & Development
  • Enhances Canada’s existing supply chain practices by boosting economic development through faster adoption and integration of artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Access up to 40% of eligible project costs, with no minimum or maximum investment allocated per project
Yes software, municipality, non profit,
Supply Management Processing Investment Fund (SMPIF) Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Supports the impacts of international trade agreements on processors in the agri-food sector
  • Receive up to 50% of costs to a max. of $5 million
Yes agri, tech, food
Tourism Growth Program Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • This program supports local tourism projects that will position Canada as a destination of choice for domestic and international travelers.
  • Up to 50% to a maximum of $250,000 in funding support.
Yes tourism, indigenous,
Western Business Scale-up and Productivity (BSP) Program Canada-wide Business Expansion Capital & Tech Adoption Research & Development
  • Helps businesses with high growth potential adopt/adapt innovative technologies that support productivity and export expansion
  • Access up to 50% of costs to a maximum $5M per application and $10M per applicant
Yes forest, manufacturing, energy, tech, software, covid,
Women Ecosystem Fund (WEF) Canada-wide Business Expansion
  • Supports projects that will provide business supports for women entrepreneurs and strengthen the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Canada.
  • Up to $3M in funding for Canadian not-for-profit organizations or associations.
Yes for profit
Women Entrepreneurship Strategy – Ecosystem Fund Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Aims to increase women-owned businesses’ access to the financing, talent, networks and expertise they need to start up, scale up and access new markets.
  • Receive a non-repayable contribution up to $3 million, defined based on scope and impact of project.
Yes for profit
Women in Skilled Trades Initiative Canada-wide Hiring & Training
  • Supports projects that recruit, retain, and help women apprentices succeed in 1 or the 39 eligible Red Seal Trades.
  • Up to $3M in funding for Canadian not-for-profits, for-profits, unions, and more.
Yes non profit, municipality
Youth Employment Program (IRAP YEP) Canada-wide Hiring & Training
  • Designed to assist funding of hiring young Canadian post-secondary graduates.
  • Provides up to $30,000 per graduate (up to two) for a period of 6 to 12 months.
Yes forest, manufacturing, energy, tech, software, covid,
Zero Emission Transit Fund Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Delivers on the government’s commitment to produce 5,000 zero emission buses over the next five years.
  • Receive up to $350M in zero emission project funding.
Yes tech, software, cleantech, auto
Zero-Emission Vehicle Awareness Initiative (ZEVAI) Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Supports projects that address knowledge gaps among Canadians on ZEV technologies to move forward to ZEV adoption.
  • Up to 50% of total project costs, with a maximum contribution amount $300,000 per project.
Yes agi, software, auto, cleantech,
Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVI) Canada-wide Capital & Tech Adoption
  • Designed to increase a network of zero-emission vehicle charging and refuelling stations in more localized areas where Canadians live, work, and play.
  • Up to 50% of costs to a maximum of $5M in Canadian government funding.
Yes agi, software, auto, cleantech,

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Québec Small Business Funding for Research and Development

Québec government grants, loans, and other incentives are available to support innovative products, processes, and services. Companies typically access funding to perform internal research and development or collaborate with academic institutions. Our Small Business Funding Guide has more ideas to help you understand how to structure a research and development project well-suited for government grants.

Québec Provincial Government Funding News

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Canadian government funding programs can support small businesses, large corporations, non-profits and post-secondary research institutions. However, the key to accessing these programs are knowing which ones provide the best fit for your organization and upcoming projects.

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