NOHFC Ontario Business Grants and Loans: Emerging Technology Program

Canadian government funding software developmentThe Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation’s (NOHFC) Emerging Technology Program (ETP) is designed to encourage the private and public sectors to develop exciting and viable new technologies that will contribute to future of Northern Ontario’s economy.  The goal of this research and development funding program is to support the research, development and innovation of new technologies that will contribute to future northern prosperity. The program administers Ontario government funding as small business grants Ontario and business loans towards the research and development of new technologies.

Ontario Government Funding Public Sector Eligibility

Funding through government grants for small business and small business loans Ontario are made available to the following applicants:

  • Partnerships and alliances comprising municipalities, private sector businesses and organizations, federal government and other government-related agencies
  • Municipalities, First Nations, not-for-profit corporations and educational institutions may apply

ETP Small Business Grants and Loans Project Eligibility

For public sector funding, the following types of projects are eligible through the Emerging Technology Program:

  • Value-added products
  • Biotechnology and life sciences projects
  • Centres of Excellence
  • Film development and production
  • Information and communications technology infrastructure

ETP Government Funding Ontario Ineligible Costs

The following are costs eligible for business grants Ontario:

  • Projects that do not have direct job creation or economic development objectives
  • Websites and portals
  • Ongoing operating costs of organizations
  • Business plans
  • Strategic plans
  • Feasibility studies
  • Training costs
  • Marketing costs
  • Purchase of rolling stock (e.g.: trucks and cars)

Private Sector Initiatives Eligible for Ontario Government Funding

This government funding for research and development provides public sector support to the following applicants:

  • Individual private sector companies or consortiums of companies.
  • The applicant must be incorporated prior to receiving assistance

ETP Private Sector Initiatives Eligible for Ontario Government Funding

ETP research and development funding will consider the following initiatives eligible:

  • Information and communications technology projects
  • Film development and production
  • Value-added products
  • Biotechnology and life sciences projects
  • Intellectual property development

Private Sector Costs Eligible for ETP Funding

Government funding Ontario through ETP will cover the following costs:

  • Staff training
  • Marketing
  • Land servicing costs
  • Capital project costs

Ineligible Costs under the Emerging Technology Program Private Sector Funding

The following costs are ineligible for ETP government funding for business:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Business plans
  • Purchase of rolling stock (e.g.: trucks and cars).

Learn More about ETP Government Grants for Small Business and Business Loans Ontario

Look to the following links for more information about this program:


Stay in Touch with Canadian Government Funding Experts

If your business has a minimum of 10 employees and has been incorporated for at least 2 years, please contact a Canadian government funding expert to learn more about the many Canadian small business grants and loans programs you may be eligible for.   Don’t forget to subscribe to our Canadian government funding weekly e-newsletter, and feel free to follow us on any of our social media accounts: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter.

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