Would You Move Your Start-up to A Small Town in Eastern Ontario for $100K?

34 Companies responded “yes” last year. After the dust settled Unified Computer Intelligence Corporation won for its voice-activated computer, “Ubi.” The competition is called “N100”, a Start-up Funding competition led by Northumberland CFDC in partnership with Spark Centre. Northumberland, in case you were wondering, is a town approximately 1 hour east of Toronto, Ontario. But don’t worry, you don’t need to be situated in Northumberland (yet) in order to enter the competition.
About N100 and Its Global Call to Entrepreneurs for $100K in Start-up Funding
Northumberland CFDC is a business development corporation dedicated to providing financing strategy as well as a comprehensive ecosystem for entrepreneurs. Over the last 2 years Northumberland CFDC has supported the launch of 22 start-ups, making the community a hotspot for start-ups. From these 22 start-ups 5 these companies have filed 5 new patents and have taken advantage of $2.5 million in follow-on investment.
Who is Eligible for the N100 Start-up Funding Competition?
“Does a P.O. Box count?” While start-ups located anywhere are eligible to apply to the N100, ultimately they must establish a presence in Northumberland in order to qualify for the $100,000 investment. However, competitors will also receive mentoring through 3 rounds of competition that includes: the pitch, business planning, and negotiation.
“We will be working directly with N100 competitors to hone their pitch as well as their business and marketing strategies,” said Dennis Croft, Executive Director of Spark Centre.
The N100 Start-up Funding Application Deadline
The deadline for N100 competition applications is March 14, 2014 at 5pm EDT. The first round Pitch Contest will be held at the Capitol Theatre on April 30 before a live studio audience. The competition will wrap up in early July. For more information visit www.n100.ca.
Find Additional Small Business Grants and Loans Resources for Start-ups
Mentor Works offers valuable resources for early stage Canadian businesses in need of start-up funding and resources. If you haven’t done so already, please download a free government funding for start-ups checklist. You will also be invited to an exclusive government funding for start-ups webinar, hosted by renowned government funding expert, Bernadeen McLeod.